So for those of you that I paint figs for... be very very aware that the rates are about to go up... because this is going from a hobby to a business... and I am way undercutting the competition and I don't want them being mad at me. So if I already have something of yours that I am painting already the rate you were quoted will stay the same... everyone thinking about having me paint for you... sorry but it has to go up. I will offer sales and discounts from time to time so keep an eye out for those.

This is something I have fought over in my head for the last 2 days now... and I finally sat down and figured up the math on my rates and the amount of time they take. One of them I did was less than $3 an hour. I can't do that again.

So there is going to be a rate change... I am researching what the new rates will look like. If you are still interested in hiring me just get a hold of me and I will discuss it with you. That is if there are any of you still out there after this.

And like I said I will run specials every now and then and they will get posted up here.

And one more thing before I wrap this up I am looking into getting an account set up with a distributor so I can order stuff and then paint it at a discount to you the customer... but more on that later if I can even get that set up.

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