So I have been waiting to post up about this until Games Workshop made it officially available to advance order so I could get my facts straight and not just give you a bunch of speculation like some other sites out there.
Thats right people... With the annual price hike that Games Workshop has now become famous for they have decided to spring a new (and in my opinion unneeded) edition of Warhammer 40k on us. and with a US price tag of $74.25 I think it is a bit outlandishly priced too. No rulebook for any game system is worth $75. I don't care if it is full color and hardback. Oh and 452 pages. It is still just a rulebook.
Games Workshop still stands behind the statement that 40k's target audience is younger adults. How many young adults will be able to afford a $75 dollar rulebook? With things being tight for this die hard gamer I am seriously thinking of hanging up my 40k habit. I mean a hardcover rulebook for Warmachine (which is also a full color book) is only like $45 the softcover version is only $30. Now yes Warmachine has the Wrath expansion and (in July) the Colossals expansion. But those books are not required unless you want to play whats in the book or if you are a fluff junkie and want to read how they are expanding the story line for the universe. Games Workshop says that they have updated the fluff a bit in the the new rulebook but honestly I doubt it. they added the rules for flyers apparently too... that could of been done as a PDF or as an expansion book like what Privateer Press is about to release in the next few weeks for the Colossals.
So in closing... unless one of you readers out there want to send the studio a free copy of the new rulebook when it comes out... I think I might be done with it, cause I would rather spend money upgrading equipment here in the studio than on a rulebook that is just going to be out of date in another couple years.
Last night I managed to finish off a trio of Commissars that came with this Praetorian commission. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed painting these models more than most other GW models in a long time. They honestly have some of the best facial details for humans on GW models that I have ever seen.
So with Privateer Press releasing the first in its series of Colossals... massive warjacks on equally massive 120mm bases. The Cygnar Stormwall colossal was officially released to the public as of yesterday the 13th of June. Well I am here to announce a price for assembly and paint (using my old trusty airbrush so no brush marks) of these massive monsters of steel and steam... $200 will get your Colossal (or gargantuan for Hordes) painted to my normal Warmachine/Hordes quality.
Also with this don't forget that if you want resin bases for your models you can order your favorites from Secret Weapon Miniatures direct through the studio. So there is no waiting for the bases to arrive before you send out your models for paint.
Had some time today to kick out a couple models from this big job.
Okay... So I have been talking about a top secret project for a little while now and here it is. I landed a rather large commission and it is actually kinda cool cause it's old school oop IG Praetorians. Now these models have never seem paint and most of them I had the joy of popping the seal on the blisters. I will be working on this one for a couple weeks at least, but it's going to be a blast working on it while it lasts. First up is one of the captain models from the big box set.
I will also be posting regular updates on the twitter account... Follow me over there @2Ton_Studios #projectzuluwarrior
This is the last piece from the Podfather of this round of work for him. I have something old school and different coming up in the upcoming weeks...
This time a big model from the Podfather...
More of the dysatopian wars models from the Podfather.
More models from the Podfather...
So I know I promised to get these pictures put up so I will start with the small ships and work my way up from there.
These were painted up for Phil over at Firebase Delta.
Like I said in the last post I sold the Boarding Action Marine that I had sitting on my shelf that was waiting for a paint job. The person that decided that he wanted to buy him wanted him painted up to go with Raven Guard. So I got to work painting him up over the weekend. And even with a small AC crisis on Saturday night I managed to get him done on schedule so he can be mailed out Monday morning.
So here we are... another month is gone from the calender and we start with a fresh slate yet again. SO lets look back at May...
It was a rather slow month for posts (didn't really work on that much) and it was really slow on the commission side. BUT there was a big thing that happened last month that I think is really cool. I got to paint some models for the guys over at The Eternal Warrior podcast and they are giving those models away all you have to do is email them your wargaming story... whether it be tragic, funny, epic, or just one fail after another. And you will be entered to win these awesome special edition models for Malifaux. Also those guys did an interview with yours truly while we were at Adepticon in April and they finally played that interview and given the studio a really good shout out. Since that aired I am happy to say I am getting more requests for info. So that is a step in the right direction.
Now for June... what to expect... I am going to be posting up some pictures that I took of some models that I painted up for Phil over at Firebase Delta. Also for June... the Forgeworld Marine that I have posted up as being for sale... He has been sold (as of today in fact) and is going to be painted up to go with the lucky buyers Ravenguard army. More great news... I have just inked a deal as of yesterday to paint up some old school IG models for someone so once those models arrive I will be getting them painted up and get pictures put up on here for the world to see. I am not going to say which old school IG flavor they are... just that it is going to be a surprise. And rumor has it that Phil is going to be sending over some more Firestorm Armada models for me to paint... especially with that game getting a new rulebook very soon.