Back to work on Skorne models I go. One of my local clients dropped his Skorne army off for me to paint and this is the first piece I went to work on. I like the model but the way it's posed be base looks really sparse so I went digging around here in the studio for ideas to dress up the base when I found a wreck marker and figured that would work. I really like the end result.

Do you remember that glorious green haired dire troll mauler that I did last month?

Well here is the warlock that will be leading him into battle. eBorka aka Bearka was an enjoyable model to work on. The bear being resin there was practically no gap filling to do on the model. My client had the idea of giving him a green mohawk to match Borka so instead of just giving him a green stripe on his noggin I figured I would make one of greenstuff. I mean it's more like a bear with a green faux hawk but it looks cool.

Then of course there is my obsession with pinning metal models... If I have ever done models for you, you will know that I am almost OCD about this. So of course Borka himself is pinned at every single joint.

Just like the title of this post says... I had the pleasure of working on a Wraith Knight this weekend. This model really was fun to work on and may have possibly inspired me to do a project I have been thinking about for years. But more on that later once I figure out the logistics of doing it.

Back to the recently finished project. My client sent me a link to help inspire the paint job on this monster of a model. And I say monster because it is officially the tallest (non forgeworld) model I have ever worked on. Honestly the most challenging part of this model was trying to get everything all magnetized so my client can swap out the weapons. After I got him all painted and clear coated I went back and glossed the gems and the faceplate to make them stand out a little more.